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New Member Programs

Dig In (10) - September 15th

Longtime ABAS member Roger Steel teaches his two-tiered educational strategy
Class size is limited • Cost is $20 per student per session

Dig-in (10) Sunday, September 15, 2024
Those new to bonsai are encouraged to start by attending a "Dig-in." Learn some basic bonsai skills and how to select pre-bonsai material with potential at the Dig-in. The class lasts a good part of the day. Dig-in participants will visit a garden center where they will focus on material evaluation, with the option to purchase their own nursery stock. During the afternoon workshop, students will be introduced to tools and techniques during a styling workshop on the morning’s finds. 

Chop-in (5) Fall date to be determined
Attendance at a Dig-in is a prerequisite for attending a "Chop-in." 
The Chop-in will cover more advanced work with your tools and plant material acquired since the Dig-in session.  Roger will be using a chopstick as a pointer to help students develop an eye, follow a trunk line, and to point out where the student will make their own cuts. 

Note: These sessions will prepare you for participating in our member-only workshops. 

The next Chop-in class will be offered to previous Dig-In Students.  Each session, Dig-in or Chop-in, has a $20 cost. 
These classes are open to ABAS members, including past participants, so sign up now!

Fill out the form below or Email Roger Steel to sign up to request more information.

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